Monday, July 06, 2009

Utah: Miscellaneous Adventures

While in Utah, I ran my extended family ragged with excursions. Above are photos from:
  • My Grandma's house, where the kids played outside all morning while my sisters and I had fun selecting items from my Grandma's vast collection of fabric, notions, and whatnots. She was emptying the house in preparation for her move to Washington with her new husband.
  • The Clearfield Aquatic Center
  • A slumber party of just the "older" cousins (Ages 6, 5, and 4--I know, so old!)
  • The Kangaroo Zoo Bounce House
  • The Union Station Train Museum

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Utah: Camping

I left for Utah on the morning of June 29th with our three boys and my 17-yr-old cousin, Jackie. Somehow, my parents talked me into going straight to camping after a two-day drive, so we arrived at "Grandpa's Cabin" on June 30th. Unfortunately, I didn't take many photos, but here are the better ones that I did take.

David did not enjoy camping, but Spencer thought it was great and even went with me on quite an ATV adventure ride--which included crossing a river that got me wet up to mid-thigh. Because Jason had just learned to crawl, he spent most of the time inside the cabin. Unfair, I know.

These photos are from the kids playing in the hammock, and a little ATV ride/nature hike that we (Audrey, Stacey, and Dad) took the older grandkids on. There are also some "morning forest" shots that I took--morning is my favorite time of day in the mountains.