Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Fun Feb-Mar 2007

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Our recent family history...a couple weeks ago we had two of our friends' daughters over to stay for a few days. David had so much fun with them, it was a blast. (Photo of him with his friends watching a movie included.)

On Saturday, David woke up with a high fever and we were able to get into the pediatrician to confirm an ear infection. He was extremely mellow and lethargic all day--which for David is very rare, but the next night his fever broke and it seemed like he was making up doubly for all the fun he missed the day before. (Photo of him looking pathetic included.)

A few weeks ago we were in the car and because it was so cold, David could see his breath. As the interior started to warm up, we heard him say, "There is no more wind in my mouth!"

Today he snuggled in bed between Jonathan and me. I said, "David, I love you." He replied, "I love you." Then Jonathan said, "David, I love you." David replied, "And, I love toys."

David has finally started interacting with Spencer a lot more lately. He loves to play Peek-A-Boo with him. (Photo of Mid- Peek-A-Boo moment included.)

Last time I checked, Spencer couldn't yet speak, but he is very vocal. He babbles consonants and when he is upset his noise seems to be more of a yell than a cry. He only cries when he is really very upset. He is a fairly mild-tempered fellow.

He absolutely loves to hear David laugh, and even if he can't see David, if he hears him laughing it makes Spencer start to giggle.

Spencer has a very expressive face and so many facial expressions. His hair has grown quite wild and sticks up off of his head. He also has a chapped chin. (Photos included.)

Jonathan only has two classes in this last term of his MBA program, and we are about to begin to pack in earnest--one of these days. I (Audrey) have just finally finished my 9 identical quilt squares for the "Michigan Quilt" group project that I am part of . (Photo of a finished square included.) After multiple stab wounds, I can say that I have blistered and bled for this quilt, and it better be beautiful! I will probably never volunteer for a quilting project again.

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